Hello, I hope all is well.
We are NPIP certified small chicken farm, and we have one Cockrell for sale.
He is an English Orpington Lavender breed, one of the best breeds for newcomers to chickens, and for families with young children.
Named for the English town where they were developed, Orpingtons come in several feather colors but all are big quiet birds with fluffy feathers that keep them toasty warm during frigid weather.
Lavender is one of amazing colors that would definitely be an eye candy to any backyard.
We hatched him in our incubator in June 2023! The price is $20, the only reason for sale is that we have excess of the roos so a couple of them needs to go.
We actually more than one roos, so if you decide to get two, we can give them both for $30.
Trust me, he would be a great addition to any backyard! Thank you for your interest!
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PS: The picture was taking from online search