Hello, female here can h0st looking for a male to have fun with us.
In and out of the bedroom.
A very friendly orange tabby with light stripes at the end of the its tail.
We also noticed that it has distinctive small black spots on its nose, as well as in and around its mouth.
Orange tabby, no clipped ears, chip(unkown, taking to be checked), higher pitched meow, very vocal This sweet guy has been seen around my for a few weeks now, he seems hungry and looks like he’s been in a fight.
Friendly and loving.
Doesn’t like our other cats.
She is around 8 pounds.
Calico with white paws, white on her chest.
Sweet as can be.
this little one finally let me get close, but is hurt.
looks like a broken front leg and some other scs.
hoping to reunite with its owner soon.
needs medical attention.
next call is to Lee Co animal Services.
Drummer here who also plays guitar and looking to collaborate with someone who also plays guitar/bass/or keyboard/ or drums to try and put some chunky, badass bluesy rock n' roll riffs and jams together.
Jam band, blues, metal, psychedelic rock as well as even some acoustic and folk
thrown in would be a well rounded goal for me.
I am influenced by classic rock, cream, Clapton, Hendrix as well as more prog type stuff and have a lot of fun playing around with time signatures to come up with unique and different sounding tunes but with a hard, heavy straightforward and rocking "pulse" to it.
Black female cat, no collar, yellow eyes, very friendly, short haired, all black, thin long tail, looks young, so sweet.
No microchip.
Walden Chase in Nocatee Large light colored Orange Tabby.
Appears to be un neutered male.
Semi tame and in good shape.
Still roaming.
Gray coat, has a crook near the end of his tail and walks with a slight limp.
Very sweet and affectionate Male cat, very friendly, he lets you pet him and carry him, well cared.
He comes when you call him.
He seems to be someone’s cat Very friendly very vocal Doesnt seem to be underweight at all and seemed lost somewhat.
Meowed and followed me quite a distance.
Looks healthy id even go so far as to suggest possibly an indoor cat.
We got him
to be a breeder in our program, but do to him having allergies we decided to neuter him and rehome him.
He is completely house trained though since hes getting neutered later in life he might need some marking training.
So preferably a home who is familiar with owning a male.
He will not be rehomed til after his neutering surgery as we do not want him bred.
Other than allergies hes completely healthy.
He is completely vaccinated and has vet records to take to your vet for when hes due.
He just had his yearly check in December and is good.
If interested Message.
It won't leave.
Friendly tabby cat found on Campbell soup property by catalyst rescue misson unknown no way to escape property will walk right up to you I just saw this cat in my driveway and on my porch.
It would not come close enough for me to see if it had a tag and I couldn’t keep it contained.
It was wearing a red collar and I believe it’s a male.
It had a slight limp.
Was headed towards the apmts at broadway/amherst.
I just saw this cat in my
driveway and on my porch.
It would not come close enough for me to see if it had a tag and I couldn’t keep it contained.
It was wearing a red collar and I believe it’s a male.
It had a slight limp.
Was headed towards the apmts at broadway/amherst.